Monday, April 22, 2019

is there an escape from this torment?

is there an escape?
am I trap in this torment for life?
the fear.
heart break.
the pain?
were will I go?

for them I hold on.
for them I will survives.

as their father.
I will not give up.
they are my shine.
my light in this deep hell hole.

a prison holding my daughter arms.
where is the light?

a lifeless nite.
crying in this deep hole.
can I raise them to be the perfect?

there no light.
only them accompany me.
I cry for them.
for their future.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

700 sqf untuk sebuah rumah,aparment berbaloikah?

assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi.
hi ya all.
pe khabar?
aku ni seorg pembantu pelukis pelan.
rata2 design rumah aku tgk nak masuk fasa 700sqf rumah dgn price tag 300k per house/apartment.
aku bgth ni..
reject segala offer yg sgf kurang dari 700sqf.
bg aku ni relate to family and nak buat sewa tu.
emosi anak2 and korg sdiri masa dok rumah 700sgf ni sgt lah teruk.
aku pernah rasa.
aku berpindah randah masa bujang
dari rumah kecik ke besar.
apartment ke kondo.
aku dah pernah rasa.
bila aku dok rumah kecik.
hidup aku mcm tersempit.
padahal sewa takde lah teruk sgt.
tp suasana kawasan rumah sgt teruk.
tak sanggup aku dok lama2.
lps aku pindah ke rumah besar sikit.
kawasan ok.
ada taman ada mcm2 life aku tenang sikit.
ni klu aku balik lewat or kluar tgh2 malam.
ada je mamat2 mana2 tah mabuk tersidai kat tangga.
mcm tu ke hidup?
aku tak tau lah korg mcm mana.
tp aku tak boleh tahan mcm tu..
budak2 main kat hall bising gile dgn music..
borak2 mcm org takde org dok floor tu.
tu apa bai?
hidup terseksa.
kau tak rasa beli rumah then dpt suasana mcm tu nak hidup dgn baik?